7 ways to get taller

Many people think that the process of lengthening is a completely hereditary matter. For this reason, even if one wants to, one cannot grow taller by adopting any other method. However, the idea is not correct. Body height can be increased even with a little bit of proper living.

2 min readOct 8, 2021
Photo by Mike Scheid on Unsplash

Here are some ways to increase body height:

Walking in the sun:

Vitamin D is found in the body for bone development. And walking in the sun provides a lot of vitamin D in the body. However, depending on the body color, you have to stay in the sun. People with fair skin can stay in the sun for a maximum of 30 minutes. But people with black skin need to stay in the sun for about an hour to get vitamin D.

Adequate nutrition:

The body needs to take nutritious food for development. Eat nuts, milk, lean meats, and vegetables regularly. In addition, protein and carbohydrate foods should be eaten. As a result, the height of the body will increase.


Just as there is no substitute for regular exercise to keep the body healthy, there is no substitute for exercise to increase body height. Regular exercise will increase the height of the body.

Adequate sleep:

Adequate sleep increases physical height. If you want to increase your height, you have to sleep for eight hours every night.

Healthy posture:

If you sit up straight, your height will increase. The same applies to movement. So you have to sit on your spine without crouching. He has to move.

Quitting unhealthy habits:

Eliminating unhealthy habits from life will increase body height.

Be confident:

If you are always smiling and happy, your mind is fresh. Be confident in yourself. Because self-confidence plays a positive role in body and mind. As a result, some or some height will increase.




Life is a feature that separates bodily entities from biological processes such as signaling and self-sustaining processes.